How Martha Schooled Me Again
So, it’s important to admit that I was feeling grouchy about the first OLI meeting because Pinterest seems like a stupid online scrapbooking service. And it kind of is. But our first meeting also...
View ArticleDefining, Limiting?
Our week’s task as Cohort 2 of the OLI initative: “We’d like you to pick 2-3 of [the liberal arts values from week 1] and write very brief definitions of how you think they might be interpreted within...
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I actually completed the Teaching Perspectives Inventory very soon after our last meeting even though I’m only getting around to blogging about it now. The only problem I had with it was that I didn’t...
View ArticleA Mystery. A Serious Stress-Inducer. A Cool Thing in Theory. An Experiment....
Shall I go on? These are all names for My Obscure Online Class (or MOOC, to coin a term). I feel ill prepared to write the second assigned blog post, which asks us to “map out an assignment for the...
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